Ein Würfel mit Auszeichnungssymbol und Sternen auf einem Tisch.

Our promise: process quality & information security

Our promise to our customers is process quality and information security. We are certified experts in our field.

Quality management
The ISO 9001 quality management standard is a globally recognised seal of quality. Our management system is certified in accordance with the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Information security
TISAX is a cross-company assessment and exchange procedure for information security in the automotive industry. Our information security management system (ISMS) is certified in accordance with TISAX.

Participant ID "PR0PHZ"

Our employees: experts in their field

We regularly train our employees and have their specialist skills certified.

Our future: promoting young talent

As a training company, we invest in the future of young people. This year, DONAT IT once again received the "IHK Training Company 2023" training seal from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria.